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We are Creating a Support Center for Families With Rare Diagnoses

Bulgarian Huntington Association

We are an organization with a 9-year history, founded by families and friends of people living with rare diseases. Every year we support hundreds of families from all over the country.


Our Friends and Partners

We work tirelessly with the support of our friends and partners, to make a reality the dream shared by hundreds of people living with rare diagnoses and their families for a place, where they can receive the support and understanding they need.
Join us in our effort!


Support Us

Since 2015, we have been working to provide mobile services for people with rare diseases in the city of Sofia. In 2017 we created the first information and advisory office for people with rare diseases. Although we are currently operating in a space of only 25 square meters, we have managed to support 1295 people with more than 107 different rare diagnoses, combining mobile and stationary services

More than 150,000 people need our support in Sofia. On a national level, more than half a million people live with rare diagnoses in Bulgaria, without access to specialized social support

It is time to take a step forward in their care and build a Center to support families with rare diagnoses and create sustainability for our psychosocial support program helping people from all over the country.

Support Us

Support center for families with rare diagnoses

Help us take a big step forward for all families living with rare diagnoses.

In order to carry out the planned reconstruction and successful completion of the Support Center, it is necessary to repair, furnish and equip a ground floor office provided to us for free use by Sofia municipality. The first step of our campaign is to create the Center:











How You Can Support the Project:

Choose your cause! The first step of our campaign is to create the Center:

  • Repair of the Premises

Complete renovation of a room for mental health, physiotherapy and reception, plus ensuring accessibility in the Center - installation of an electric ramp for people with wheelchairs.
Needed: BGN 81,000.

  • Furniture of the Center

Complete furnishing of the center, tailored to the needs of families affected by rare diagnoses.
Needed: BGN 47,000.

  • Physiotherapy Hall Equipment

All necessary equipment for physiotherapy and kinesitherapy of children and adults with rare diagnoses.
Needed: BGN 35,000.

Donate Online

Other Support Opportunities

Our donation account details:

Bulgarian-American Credit Bank
Account holder: Association "Bulgarian Huntington Association"
IBAN: BG28BGUS91601002931700

Support us through one-time SMS and subscriptions with Latin text

With text DMS REDKI on number 17 777.

(for Telenor, VIVACOM and A1 subscribers) at a price of BGN 1.

Learn More

Donate through the Platformata BG website:

See the campaign at by pressing the button below.

Platformata BG
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Years supporting families with rare diseases


Qualified specialists work for you.


Volunteers in the field of law, health care, social work.


Families supported each year.


Consultations provided every year.